Caffeine Content

Caffeine Content in Food and Drugs

Caffeine is one of the most thoroughly researched and prove ergogenic aids available. It is the only habit-forming psychoactive drug we routinely serve even to our children (coke, chocolate). An alkaloid that occurs naturally in the leaves, seeds and fruit of tea, coffee, cacao, kola trees, and more than 60 other plants, this ancient wonder drug has been prescribed for human use as far back as the sixth century B.C. In addition, caffeine is sometimes added to foods and beverages during the manufacturing process in order to enhance flavor, or in the case of medications, to enhance efficacy.

A single cup of coffee packs a big punch of caffeine when compared to other popular beverages, though the caffeine content found in gourmet coffee beans will vary. The robusta coffee beans used in less expensive brands contain almost twice as much caffeine as the Arabica beans favored by coffee connoisseurs. The type of coffee roast will also affect the amount of caffeine content. The lighter and medium roasts of coffees have a higher levels of caffeine than the darker roasts which lose some of the drug during the longer roasting time.

Factors that Affect the Caffeine Content Levels in Coffee

Each of the following can slightly alter the level of caffeine in decaffeinated coffee so that it is above or below the typical caffeine level.

  1. blend composition
  2. brewing extraction rates
  3. grind
  4. roast color
  5. water temperature

Higher extraction rates, warmer water, a finer grind, and a lighter roast all result in a higher caffeine level in decaf coffee. Potentially, the caffeine content level could increase from approximately 2 mg to 6 mg per cup. This is a negligible increase relative to a caffeinated cup of coffee, which contains between 60 to 180 mg of caffeine per cup.

Caffeine Content Chart

Drug makers have to label the amount of caffeine content in their offerings, but food and beverage companies don't. The below list of familiar products shows how fast your dose can add up.

Food/Drug Product Serving
Size 1
Caffeine Content (mg)2
Coffee, brewed 8 ounces 135
Coffee, instant 8 ounces 95
General Foods International Coffee, Cafe Vienna 8 ounces 90
Maxwell House Cappuccino, Mocha 8 ounces 60-65
General Foods International Coffee, Swiss Mocha 8 ounces 55
Maxwell House Cappuccino, French Vanilla or Irish Cream 8 ounces 45-50
General Foods International Coffee, Viennese Chocolate Cafe 8 ounces 26
Maxwell House Cappuccino, decaffeinated 8 ounces 3-6
Coffee, decaffeinated 8 ounces 5
Celestial Seasonings Iced Lemon Ginseng Tea 16-ounce bottle 100
Bigelow Raspberry Royale Tea 8 ounces 83
Tea, leaf or bag 8 ounces 50
Snapple Iced Tea, all varieties 16-ounce bottle 48
Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, unsweetened 8 ounces 25-45
Lipton Tea 8 ounces 35-40
Lipton Iced Tea, assorted varieties 16-ounce bottle 18-40
Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, sweetened 8 ounces 15-35
Nestea Pure Sweetened Iced Tea 16-ounce bottle 34
Tea, green 8 ounces 30
Arizona Iced Tea, assorted varieties 16-ounce bottle 15-30
Lipton Soothing Moments Blackberry Tea 8 ounces 25
Nestea Pure Lemon Sweetened Iced Tea 16-ounce bottle 22
Tea, instant 8 ounces 15
Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, diet 8 ounces 10-15
Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, decaffeinated 8 ounces < 5
Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, all varieties 8 ounces 0
Celestial Seasonings Herbal Iced Tea, bottled 16-ounce bottle 0
Lipton Soothing Moments Peppermint Tea 8 ounces 0
Soft Drinks
Josta 12 ounces 58
Mountain Dew 12 ounces 55
Surge 12 ounces 51
Diet Coke 12 ounces 47
Coca-Cola 12 ounces 45
Dr. Pepper, regular or diet 12 ounces 41
Sunkist Orange Soda 12 ounces 40
Pepsi-Cola 12 ounces 37
Barqs Root Beer 12 ounces 23
7-UP or Diet 7-UP 12 ounces 0
Barqs Diet Root Beer 12 ounces 0
Coca-Cola Caffeine-free or Diet Coke 12 ounces 0
 Pepsi Caffeine-free or Diet Pepsi 12 ounces 0
Minute Maid Orange Soda 12 ounces 0
Mug Root Beer 12 ounces 0
Sprite or Diet Sprite 12 ounces 0
Energy Drinks
Red Bull 8.3 ounces 80
Monster 16 ounces 160
Rockstar 16 ounces 160
Cocaine 8.4 ounces 280
Caffeinated Waters
Java Water ½ liter
(16.9 ounces)
Krank 20 ½ liter
(16.9 ounces)
Aqua Blast ½ liter
(16.9 ounces)
Water Joe ½ liter
(16.9 ounces)
Aqua Java ½ liter
(16.9 ounces)
Frozen Desserts
Ben & Jerry’s No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt 1 cup 85
Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream, assorted flavors 1 cup 40-60
Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream 1 cup 58
Häagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt, fat-free 1 cup 40
Häagen-Dazs Coffee Fudge Ice Cream, low-fat 1 cup 30
Starbucks Frappuccino Bar 1 bar
(2.5 ounces)
Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream 1 cup 8
Yogurts, one container
Dannon Coffee Yogurt 8 ounces 45
Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt 6 ounces 5
Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt 8 ounces < 1
Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt 8 ounces 0
Chocolates or Candies
Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Bar 1 bar
(1.5 ounces)
Perugina Milk Chocolate Bar with Cappuccino Filling 1/3 bar
(1.2 ounces)
Hershey Bar (milk chocolate) 1 bar
(1.5 ounces)
Coffee Nips (hard candy) 2 pieces 6
Cocoa or Hot Chocolate 8 ounces 5
Over The Counter Drugs
NoDoz, (maximum strength); Vivarin 1 tablet 200
Excedrin 2 tablets 130
NoDoz, (regular strength) 1 tablet 100
Anacin 2 tablets 64


1 — Serving sizes are based on commonly eaten portions, pharmaceutical instructions, or the amount of the leading-selling container size. For example, beverages sold in 16-ounce or half-liter bottles were counted as having caffeine content as one serving.

2 — Sources: National Coffee Association, National Soft Drink Association, Tea Council of the USA, and information provided by food, beverage, and pharmaceutical companies and J.J. Barone, H.R. Roberts (1996) “Caffeine Consumption.” Food Chemistry and Toxicology, vol. 34, pp. 119-129.


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